
BSTAW Body-Solid Tools Ankle Weights
Available in two weights, 10 or 20 lb pairs. The BSTAW10 include two 5-pound ankle weights. The BSTAW20 include two 10-pound ankle weights.
BSTDMB Body-Solid Tools Dual-Grip Medicine Balls
Get a handle on your daily fitness routine. Available in 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 25 lbs.
BSTB Body-Solid Tools Resistance Bands
Resistance bands offer a contrasting method in an exercise program where the weight resistance changes at different points in a lift.
BSTRT Body-Solid Tools Resistance Tubes
Our Body-Solid Resistance Tubes are an excellent apparatus for anyone interested in completing full body workouts in less time. All Resistance Tubes are 61" L (handle to handle).
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